talking pants and nakedness
thats the recipe of success
as well as carefully done framy by frame animation and skills and expertise
talking pants and nakedness
thats the recipe of success
as well as carefully done framy by frame animation and skills and expertise
i wish i had your sinthesis skills for choosing keyframes
it looks as if you made the exact ammount of work needed for the piece, no more no less
dont get me wrong, being that effecient is an incredible hard skill to master and im super jelly, id love to see more of your work
you dont happen to have any stream of you working, right?
well, what else can i say, there was fight, characters are interesting, stuff moved awesomelly, thats a perfect score
awesome animation, well done everywhere
nice choice of aesthetics, nice composition, a solid work
now i dont know if i can relate to the message, you see, i belive that a guy who is force to drive a bus for hours and cant help to frown is no masquerade
but i do get the message and i think its deep and interesting
im curious as to why there is always love in these kind of works, somehow, the couple appears and shows the main character he is not alone and what he stands for is worhtwhile. why, why love and reproduction and mating? why does that cliches always play such an important part on these kind of works?
luckily i think we agree that our current system doesnt really bring joy, at least in your movie, the educational system in capitalism driven by personal success, thats interesting
anyways, dont read this, its too long
awesome job
Well, I wasn't intending for the ending to be interpreted that way, all though I can't say that any interpretation if this is either right or wrong. Personally, I was just trying to show that you're never actually alone, so that the movie wouldn't end on a completely depressing note.
Thanks for the long review though. Those are the best kinds :)
bu great
the most amount of funies compacted on the shortest amount of time evar
i have to disagree
while i cant say war isnt about difference in ideas
it ussually involves material gain by domination
and i have three letters for you: oil
i like you stuff though and i like how you present war as a ridiculous worthless thing, i have to insist on the fact that war is hardly fueled by opinions only
animationwise it was simple but solid
good log
awesome enough
am i missing some new dbz movie or something? how come there is new dbz stuff all over, you know, this series has finished long time ago
also why everyone makes fun of the conversations? why cant we have lke...fighting, we never have fighting
im glad people is starting to BE ABLE to do anime, even if not perfect, im glad
5/5 <---
did she agree to sex?
if so, why isnt it animated?
Uh.... It is? There's an Easter egg in 1 frame SOMEWHERE in the movie. Also it's only the size of a pixel.
and it's not an easter egg. It's nothing. There is no sex scene
the mask is not meant for idiots
also this kind of sucks
im being super honest
keep at it though, if this is your first im impressed, most people cant get anything going on their first try
now an hero
this will be the best of the best hundreds
way to go dude theres a ton of effort in this
and skills, ive loved from start for end
Joined on 8/1/10