science could never explain why this movie is this funny
thank you for the LAF
science could never explain why this movie is this funny
thank you for the LAF
awesome but much to improve
mostly awesome, i loved the humour, it resembles egoraptor stuff a lot and i like that, you nailed that quite nicely, it made me laugh so thanks
now as voiceacting is great id get a good mic, low quality voices really fucks the overall movie quality a lot, lip syncing is anouther downside and some more animation overall at some points would have been nice
it could have be a lil smoother but every action reads just fine
keep the good job up
awesome overall, maybe a lil slow on some parts where not much happens
but awesome overall
good job
most of the zombies deaths made me giggle
nice work, smooth, too, nice comedy/drama
Thank you :)
loved it
seriously, lifes a bitch
are they trying to take the internet from us?
great animation BTW
Joined on 8/1/10